
Monday, November 17th, 2008

Inspiration: 10 beautiful iGoogle Artist Themes

When I saw that the excellent Just Creative Design blog was organising a group writing contest, I immediately wanted to participate. The only problem was I had no idea what to write about. But then, later that day I stumbled on the iGoogle Artist Themes page.

Monday, October 13th, 2008

The Web Designer’s Idea Book

One of my sites,, is featured in The Web Designer’s Idea Book: 753 Web Designers That Are Better Than You* [amazon link]. This book was written by Patrick McNeil, creator of Design Meltdown. For those of you who don’t know Design Meltdown, it’s a website gallery indexed by site type and design elements.

Monday, October 13th, 2008

My two cents on the future of design galleries

I was reading this great article about the future of web design galleries over at Vandelay design (a great blog by the way) and decided to react here.

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

5 bookmarklets that will make your job easier

Here’s a question for you: what do you get if, instead of bookmarking a link, you bookmark a snippet of javascript code ? If you answered “browser crash”, you’re wrong (hopefully). The right answer is “a bookmarklet”. (more…)

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

New Résumé

I finally designed a better résumé for myself. Each of the tools I use are presented on a graph according to how much I use them, and how well I’ve mastered them. (more…)

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Real Life Examples of Japanese Design

As someone with an interest in design (I’m not sure I’ve earned the right to call myself a “designer” just yet), I find it interesting to compare design in different fields and different cultures. Some of the same principles that apply to designing a subway map might very well apply to web design, and what’s more two different cultures usually have different approaches for both of these tasks.

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

A little bit of self-googling

Lately, thanks to the success of the Design Resources Search Engine, I’ve been obsessing about my stats. I don’t know if you noticed it, but WordPress’s stats uses google blog search to display your incoming links. Don’t ask me why blog search returns 45 results linking here, while the regular search only finds 24 links. I’m far from being a Search Engine Optimization expert.

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Design Ressources Search Engine

I’ve set up a Google Custom Search Engine for designer ressources. What’s a Custom Search Engine (CSE) you ask ? Basically it’s a set of guidelines that tell Google which websites to search through and what to look for. Ever wanted a way to search for that perfect photoshop brush across multiple websites at once, but not waste time sifting through paint supplies websites ?

Well now you can ! Go take a look at the Designer Ressources Search Engine and tell me what you think !

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Vote for… umm… me ?

You see, originally this was supposed to be a post encouraging you to vote for my website in the Vandelay Design Blog Design Madness competition. This is a tournament-style competition where website get paired one against the other until only one remains, and is crowned the new design king of blogs. I was lucky enough to be selected, and I can’t wait to see how far this blogs goes.


Friday, February 1st, 2008

Featured on SmashingMagazine !!

I’m always thrilled when Google Reader tells me there’s a new blog post over at Smashing Magazine. They always showcase the best and latest tendancies in webdesign. Case in point, their recently featured article on grunge style webdesign which was full of great ressources and inspiration.


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